Curriculum Vitae1947. Born in Smixi of Grevena in Greece 1970. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering degree from the Technical University of Athens. 1970-1973. Graduate studies at the Business University of Athens. 1973-1977. Supervisor in the Developmental Program of Ground Waters of Thessaly 1977-1985. Co-founded Hydrowatt Ltd with object relevant with the pump houses of ground waters based on a patent he co-invented. 1985-1989. Designed a doctorate's program relative to the 2nd Thermodynamic Law and received a PhD at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Collaborated with: Prof. Dr. K. Akritidis (Ph.D. Thesis Supervisor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki-Greece), Prof. Dr. R. Decuypere (R.M.A. - Belgium ), Prof. Dr. A. S. Mujumdar (MacGill Univ. Montreal-Canada), for drying application. Articles at "Drying Technology" and "Drying" Ed. A. S. Mujumdar, 89,91,93. USA patent 1992. 1990-1995. Part-time Scientific contributor / Professor at the Technological Education Institute of Larissa 1995. Professorship at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Technological Education Institute of Larissa. His subject-matter is Renewable Forms of Energy (All Greek Technological Education Institutes and Universities, by Greek and European law, belong to higher education) 1990-1995. Wrote the book "The claim for minimum contradictions" published by Trohalia in Greek (220 pages, ISBN: 960-7022-64-5). This claim was the basis for all his later works. Starting point for writing the book and further works were basic philosophical matters related with the deterministic or in-deterministic perception, the ongoing interest around the Gödel theorem, the basic issue of physics that is the unification of general relativity with quantum mechanics and the growing indication of Zero Point Energy. 1995 - present. Wrote several case studies regarding the unified field and the Physics of minimum contradictions, as well as technological applications of this, of which he has presented in various conferences and published in international journals. |
"THE CLAIM FOR MINIMUM CONTRADICTIONS" Case studies on the basis of "The claim for Minimum Contradictions" |